Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What Really Matters!

Relationships matter!

What we say, what we perceive, and how we respond are definite indicators of the relationships we form. Perhaps the problems or challenges we face result from the relationships we should have severed; however, we look pass the obvious and try to resurrect that which should remain dormant!

Form relationships that bring life! Symbiotic relationships are recommended. More importantly, search yourself for the tendencies that suffocate life. Replace them with love, long suffering, joy, and kindness but remember you must also cultivate discernment. 

Life necessities are relationships, relationships, and relationships! 

In the end what really matters is what we leave behind: the lives we've impacted, the relationships we've developed and our legacy! 

Live to love and love while living!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Changing Minds for a Better Future

Tomorrow is the future and our nation's system of education requires some redirection. 

How do we educate children today and beyond? My observation of children today suggest our approach to equipping with college readiness skills should include more real-life experiences. How can public schools implement project-based learning with an accountability assessment centered around multiple choice answers? What is the probability of developing an assessment for students to demonstrate their thinking?

Change is inevitable. Therefore, If we are to create a society of innovators, inventors, and entrepreneurs we must develop a system by which students can simulate the very future we envision. There remains no more time for mediocrity. We must act now! 

Our system of government stands in need of redirection on the future of public education. Capitalism, without purposed direction, is a threat to education and the future of a GREAT nation. 

The uniqueness of today's children when compared to a generation of manufacturers is like unto a generation that explored the moon. Our children breathe the air of innovation and stand ready with the most sofistocated tools at the tips of their fingers. It is our DUTY to create opportunities for success! 

I think therefore I teach!

We must change our minds to change our behavior to change our lives!

Our furture depends on it! 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Power of Your Words!

What you don't say has more power than what you say without substance ~ Rachel Spiller Riles

Words are simply letters put together in purposeful order that form a specific pronunciation; however, the use of words in sequential order form meaning and a message.  The message then is interpreted by the listener. 

The importance of the message is determined by the writer. Prepare the right message by choosing the right words! If your message requires action, choose Action Words; if your message is a response, choose words which make a definite statement!

The perception of your intelligence becomes reality when you open your mouth; therefore spend time studying, reading, and listening. The fruit of your labor will soon be revealed and you will not regret having invested the time to show yourself wise!

A Changed Heart!

The heart is made for emotions, yet emotions without truth can be costly. You develop relationships based on how you feel about the person but what do you know about the person? 

You do not have the power to change another individual, but you can change your way of thinking. When we react to emotionally driven conversations we risk outcomes of embarrassment, court appointments and possibly loss of a good relationship! 

How do you FEEL about You? Sometimes it's how we feel, with the absence of truth, that determines what we do and the results are unfavorable. Love you first, but not with a mindset of selfishness! Simply know who you are and love you for who you are and not for what your are not. 

You can accomplish so much more with a "heart" that sees with truth! Do not allow emotional thinking to drive your decisions. "Heart thoughts" stimulate responses; however, if you combine the thoughts with the truth, you position yourself to function with wisdom!

Love unconditional when the relationship warrants, but be reminded that the reciprocation is not required. 

A Changed Heart is weapon of Love; you either use it or allow it to be used! Whatever your decision, know and understand that your heart is the barometer that measures your capacity to give! 

Everyday is a new day to love "right"!