Saturday, December 28, 2013


When your plans have been halted
And your view is cloudy
Press on 
When your daylight is overshadowed
By the countless tasks at hand
Press on
When your strength is weakened
By the weight of your thoughts
Press on

Determination is pressing on when reality says stop.  Never give up on your dreams and visions because the world suggests otherwise or others don't believe in them. You are your own best advocate! Believe in you and your ability to complete what you start! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Secret to Wealth!

Years are spent trying to accumulate wealth; however, without a plan, a change in behavior, and determination wealth cannot be achieved! 

When studying lives of the wealthy, a common thread appears: action brought on by determination. 

What's your plan? 

Whatever it is be sure to include "determination"! Your attitude towards your success will indicate your true desire to reach next level!