You do not have the power to change another individual, but you can change your way of thinking. When we react to emotionally driven conversations we risk outcomes of embarrassment, court appointments and possibly loss of a good relationship!
How do you FEEL about You? Sometimes it's how we feel, with the absence of truth, that determines what we do and the results are unfavorable. Love you first, but not with a mindset of selfishness! Simply know who you are and love you for who you are and not for what your are not.
You can accomplish so much more with a "heart" that sees with truth! Do not allow emotional thinking to drive your decisions. "Heart thoughts" stimulate responses; however, if you combine the thoughts with the truth, you position yourself to function with wisdom!
Love unconditional when the relationship warrants, but be reminded that the reciprocation is not required.
A Changed Heart is weapon of Love; you either use it or allow it to be used! Whatever your decision, know and understand that your heart is the barometer that measures your capacity to give!
Everyday is a new day to love "right"!
Go lady! Praying continual increase to your vision. Remain blessed!